At Career Switcher, we think of our clients as talent we represent, not a resume that needs writing. We learn about you, your past, your achievements, and most importantly, your values and dreams. We see ourselves as a partner in a crucial step to present yourself to the world. What makes us different is that we work in teams, so your personal marketing material will undergo edits by several experts, each bringing out something unique in you to truly set you apart.
It sounds so simple. Changing careers is possible.
About the founder:
When I was embarking on my journey from fashion to healthcare, I learned a few things. The roadblocks are personal, environmental, and social. I doubted myself, others tried to convince me the effort wouldn’t be worth it, and I woke up in the middle of the night stressing about finances and uprooting my spouse. The fear is real, but it doesn’t have to be paralyzing. It can be motivating. I was sure that I wanted to work in a higher impact career, but I didn’t know how. Through narrative building, research, networking, and certifications, the two year journey began in the fashion industry and led me to a transplant center. Let’s find your passion and make it your career.